Fwd: Nezavisnost and the European Trade Union Confederation/Hobsbawm

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Wed Nov 1 10:59:42 PST 2000

Apropos of Yoshie mentioning Irving Brown of the AIFLD.

http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~olmsted/lovestone.html Political Bedfellows: 'The Socialist Party, the Guerinis, and the CIA from Alfred McCoy's book on Heroin and the CIA http://www.drugtext.org/books/McCoy/14.htm Behind the Ivory Wall ("Labor and the Cold War: A Fifty Year Retrospective") http://www.frontpagemag.com/archives/academia/lewis5-26-99.htm

And two more sources on Hobsbawm, "The British Marxist Historians, " by Herb Kaye and a book from Duke Univ. Press a few years back on the origins of cultstuds with a subtitle of "cultural Marxism, " (ssshh don't tell Pat Buchanan and Paul Weyrich and Bill Lind at the Free Congress Foundation. Lind is the Cultural Studies poobah at FCF) if memory serves.

Michael Pugliese

P.S. This is the full title of the latter text. "Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain: History, the New Left, and the Origins of Cultural Studies, " by Dennis L. Dworkin

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