"He's running for president?" he asked.
"Well, yes," I wittily replied.
"Me, I'm voting Bush."
I wasn't surprised. After all, polls have shown that Michigan's Arab population, one of the largest in the nation, is solidly behind W. Why? The main issue is Palestine, and John feels, as I'm sure many in his community do, that Bush would be better brokering a peace than Gore/Lieberman. (John also added that as a small business owner, he feels Bush is better for him.) Given the Dem ticket's stance on the issue, I can't say that I blame John all that much. Bush couldn't be much worse; and he doesn't seem as ideological about Greater Israel as are Al and Joe.
Now, I'm sure Leo and perhaps a few others would expect me to tell John not to vote Bush -- especially given that the election is a toss-up here, and that every vote counts. But I couldn't do it, and I'd certainly not advise him to go Gore. I mentioned that Nader is Lebanese-American, and this stoked John's interest. But it was clear, at least in this instance, that the Michigan Green machine has been rather lax about reaching out to middle-class Arab Americans. Another problem to fix after Nov. 7.