a view of Kosovo
Chris Burford
cburford at gn.apc.org
Fri Nov 3 15:05:11 PST 2000
At 17:52 03/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
>The eXile's Mark Ames reports from Kosovo
>>The province is filthy, ugly, completely polluted by NATO ordinance, run
>>by half-wits and thugs, soaked in blood and doomed to be the permanent
>>asshole of Europe, a stain on the Balkans.
>>I can't wait to get the fuck out.
>>It's incredible to me that so much blood and so much bile could be
>>spilled over such a pile of shit that passes for a province. But
>>Europeans are like this, they're weird, no, insane when it comes to land.
>>It's so grotesque that it's almost comical. It reminds me of the jail
>>scene in that Woody Allen movie Love And Death, when Woody's father pulls
>>a dirt clod from out of his ragged overcoat, points at it urgently, and
>>rasps, "Land, my son! Land is the most important thing. When I die, I'll
>>give you this land. Don't ever sell it! It's ours, our land!"
>>Here, they'd kill you, your family, your friends, and every genetic trace
>>of DNA extant over that one dirt clod. By next week, we'll know if the UN
>>and NATO are next in line.
The population is close to a peasant existence still.
That will change forever in the next 30 years.
Chris Burford
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