Yellow Dog Greens for Nader

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Fri Nov 3 22:15:32 PST 2000

Tipped by a student column in the OSU student paper (Martha Knox, "Voting for Nader won't hurt Gore's chances," _The Lantern_ 3 November 2000 at <>), I just visited "Yellow Dog Greens for Nader" at <>.

***** Yellow Dog Greens for Nader

View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

To: Vice-President Al Gore

We, the Yellow Dog Greens, a coalition of dissatisfied Democrats, staunch independents and rebellious Republicans, call on you to withdraw from the presidential race immediately. Mr. Gore, we believe that your candidacy will spoil the election nationally for Ralph Nader and the army of citizen activists fighting to end two-party, corporate control of our democracy.


The Undersigned *****

The petition was created by Vaughn Grisham.

***** Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 12:11:05 -0500 To: "asgp-cc" <asgp-coo at> Cc: "Vaughn Grisham" <vgrisham at> Subject: ASGP-COO Yellow Dog Greens


Texas Green Vaughn Grisham created a petition asking Gore to withdraw as a joke and a retort to the AP article in which a few former Nader's Raiders called on Ralph to quit. (A total of twelve of thousands former Nader's Raiders signed on, led by Toby Moffett, a paid lobbyist for Monsanto).

Low and behold, Greens from all over the country have signed the thing. So, Vaughn is going to send the URL and printed petition results to the Gore campaign and to major media next Monday, so Al still has time to do a little campaigning for Ralph and Winona before the election.

If you haven't signed, please do...

The petition may be found at

Feel free to forward this request far and wide...

Yours In Yellow Dog Greendom,

David Cobb (posting for Vaughn Grisham) *****


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