Gore v. Bush; there is a difference

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sat Nov 4 14:47:41 PST 2000

"J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:

> . The
> lost opportunity for single payer then is one of the biggest
> domestic goofs that Clinton had.

I just won't buy the argument that this was a "goof" by the Clintons (or lack of political courage). Just as Dukakis preferred losing in '88 rather than launch a serious registration and get-out-the-vote campaign, so Clinton from the beginning wanted to avoid at all cost, and on principle, a single-payer plan. From as early as I can remember (early '40s) through '64 I was willing to "explain" Democratic results as "defeats" of Democratic goals due to errors or cowardice or what have you. I am now convinced that the Democrats have always gotten what the Democrats wanted. That includes non-reform of Taft-Hartley, etc. etc. etc.


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