Gore v. Bush; there is a difference

Brad De Long delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Sun Nov 5 12:56:51 PST 2000

>>Perhaps spending would have gone up if he
>>(and Hillary) had gotten it together on health care. The
>>lost opportunity for single payer then is one of the biggest
>>domestic goofs that Clinton had.
>>Barkley Rosser
>For a guy credited with phenomenal political instincts, Clinton
>behaved in a puzzling way for sure at the time of that national
>health care fiasco.

These "dazzling political instincts" are *way* overrated. Remember, the guy wouldn't have been able to beat George H.W. Bush had not both Buchanan and Perot decided to see if they could take Bush the First down.

Not to mention that the argument "he's too smart to have done that by accident" is a paranoid's delight, and is almost always wrong...

Brad DeLong

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