Green Strategy: Replace Electoral College with National Instant Runoff

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Wed Nov 8 04:59:04 PST 2000

Good idea. But if I was Nader I would not play up the wonderfulness of electing Gore. Some kind of reform of this type could make for a better process.


> Such a strategy would build bridges with progressive Dems (since it would
> highlight why Gore should become President) while also pushing a system
> would allow the Greens to garner far more than 5% in the next Presidential
> debate. Essentially, there is potential for the Greens to cut a deal with
> the Dems to support Gore for President in exchange for radically opening
> political system to third party voting.
> This is a unique political moment- unique not in the rhetorical sense but
> the truly once in history sense - which Nader and the Greens could use to
> push to radically reshape the political terrain.
> -- Nathan Newman

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