Lonely on LBO

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Wed Nov 8 07:24:27 PST 2000

At 10:05 AM 11/8/00 -0500, Matt wrote:
>From: "Max Sawicky" <sawicky at epinet.org>
>> Putting aside the tilt to Bush and the absurdity of any
>> thought that Nader had any intention of causing this
>> particular, bizarre result, is that a bad thing or a good
>> thing? Aren't we better off without an electoral
>> college?
>That depends who "we" is. If it is urban dwellers living on the coasts,
>then yes. If it is rural farmers, or anyone in a low-population state,
>then no, because they'd be ignored by the candidates completely.

Au contraire. The current system artificially ties the votes of different social classes who happen to live in the same geographic area but have different economic interests e.g. farmers and developers. Abolishing the electoral college would eliminate that constraint and allow, say, Lancaster County farmers to pool their vote with their "class-mates" in other states as well as with urban dwellers sympathetic to their cause.


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