election demographics

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Wed Nov 8 10:53:37 PST 2000

At 12:10 PM 11/8/00 -0500, you wrote:
> At this point Gore is ahead by 200,000 in the
>popular vote but apparently set to lose the electoral
>college, with Nader votes in Florida and a few other
>places clearly making the difference.

i think it is pretty clear that nader didn't steal many votes in florida. 1.6% for nader. that means that they were mostly hardcore nadarites already or people who were hardcore "i hate the two evils" already or people who wouldn't have voted at all, disgusted by the whole thing.

given that, and given the huge turn out--my eyeball was what? 65% of eligible voters? dunno, didn't check for #s--plenty of people turned out in fear of a bush win here and pulled the levers for gore. therefore, i'd say that very few of those nader votes would have gone to gore, otherwise.

i'd say that this logic goes for most of the other races as well.


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