election demographics

Brad DeLong delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Nov 8 13:21:17 PST 2000

>At 02:24 PM 11/8/00 +0000, Justin wrote:
>>Gore. But the Repugs are worse than they were under Nixon, too; and the Dems
>>are are only marginally better than the Repugs, although they are enough
>>better to make a real difference in people's lives.
>If not anything else, I dread the prospect of listening to that dyslexic
>moronic fratboy Bush for the next four years.
>But I as I said earlier, the Dem's shift to the right is not a result of
>ideological blindness - but going where the votes are. This is a very
>conservative country, Justin, with all kinds of religious fanatics (2/3 of
>USers believe in hell - more than the percentage of population in other
>developed countries admitting any religious sentiments at all), petit
>bourgeoisie, and the new economy noveau riche crowd that tend to give a
>sympathetic ear to conservative ideologies focusing on individual
>success/responsibility while ignoring social and systemic ramifications of
>individual actions. The only way to overcoming that consrvative bias is
>through collective solidarity - and things simple ain't going that
>direction nowadays.

Clearly it's time to take steps to change this. It's time to invade and annex Canada. NAFTA must be followed by NAPU...

Brad DeLong

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