election demographics

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Wed Nov 8 14:52:41 PST 2000

brettk at unicacorp.com wrote:

> Barkley,
> I'll take responsibility for my position.
> Let's assume the worst - that Nader's candidacy threw the election to Bush.

Why is that the worst? It seems to me the best. The Democrats simply have to be punished for their war crimes and for their consistent success in blunting or dissolving non-electoral progressive tendencies. It's been a long time since any governmental action has been significantly progressive -- or had any tendency to help people. The best we can hope for for the present is government more or less incapable of acting.

I really don't see that Gore would have been (will be) even marginally different from Bush -- except that Bush will have opposition and Gore would not have.


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