Eric the manly

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Wed Nov 8 15:10:39 PST 2000

brettk at wrote:

> Nader is right about one thing - Gore only has himself to blame for his
> defeat. To focus on Nader and claim that he is THE reason Gore lost (if
> indeed he does lose) is baffling to me.

Let's not argue or apologize. Let's accept the credit. The left defeated Gore. Hurrah! Whatever Nader wants to claim, I think quite a few of his active supporters had mostly in mind punishing the Democrats. And they succeeded. Doesn't it give you a warm feeling to imagine what the likes of Gitlin & Alterman and Steinem are feeling now. Elections aren't very often an occasion to be happy, whoever wins them. The only thing better would be if all ten top college football teams lost this Saturday.


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