snit wrote:
> At 04:03 PM 11/8/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >B. Deutsch,
> > Guesses are cheap. The Nader people themselves
> >have said that 70% of their Fla. voters would have gone
> >for Gore otherwise.
> > Look, I was a Nader trader and wanted to see him
> >do well nationally without throwing the election to Gore.
> >Those who persisted in voting for him swing in states should
> >face up to the implications of what they have done and not
> >shilly shally around with half-baked phoney arguments that
> >are not supported by the data, especially this pathetic
> >fantasy that almost none of the Florida Nader voters would
> >have voted for Gore with Nader not on the ballot.
> *sigh* i think the hardcore naderites *are* happy. what is annoying is
> the claim that "we" lost because nader was a spoiler. the assumption that
> this somehow bothers hardcore naderites is astonishing. furthermore, what
> is even more astonishing is that none of the whiners have bothered to
> notice that borebreath lost because people voted *against* him. don't the
> stats say that this was a predominate reason? they voted against
> clinton. none of the whiners have bothered to acknowledge that borebreath
> sucked as a candidate and had they been behind a candidate people could get
> behind then, well, who the hell knows what would have happened. but
> borebreath lost because of *who he is*.
> furthermore, the claim that is the demise of the left --and that's nader's
> fault--is a stinky pile of manure.
> again, borebreath lost flordia because he WAS GOING TO ANYWAY! if the dem
> hacks don't like it that a third party candidate takes away some of the
> votes, well, triple fuck'em once again. that's democracy and if they don't
> like that, quadruple fuck'em.
> i hope it's clear now. borebreath did not suffer a loss because of nader's
> 5% push. he lost in part b/c nader supporters were going to vote for nader
> be/c nader would have been on the ballot, like he was last time. the
> hypothesis that he might not have been on the ballot is just plain silly.
> do a projection based on bore/gush no nader and typical voter turnout
> do a projection based on bore/gush w/ nader and typical voter turnout (and
> typical nader voting , up it just a little for fun)
> how many gore voters went to the polls who might otherwise have stayed
> home? factor that one in.
> then take a look see. my money's on a borebreath loss no matter
> what. i'll send ya that bottle of lagavullan that max owes me (and mark
> wanker jones owes him). ha!
> criminy
> kelley