Summary of Nader analysis

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Nov 9 15:42:28 PST 2000

Justin Schwartz wrote:

>So here you have it. The more it seems that dissidence matters, the
>more savagely it is attacked. This is the moral equivalent of the
>way the cops are letting loose on the demonstrators at recent WTO
>meetings. Shuddup and gedbackinline, or its rubber bullets and all
>night in jail for you, Ralph! You were fine when you were a
>consumerist pain in the ass, but now you are a threat--you also a
>failure and irrelevant, but the main pooint is that you and your
>stupid minions had better get behind the next right wing DLCer--er,
>I mean moderate Democrat--we put up, or we escalate to real bullets
>and helicopter gunships.

Hmm. Not unlike the moment when ML King stopped being a mere civil rights activist and started talking about capitalism and imperialism. Is there a James Earl Ray in Ralph's future?


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