Nader cost himself federal funds (Re: election demographics

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Thu Nov 9 20:06:35 PST 2000

The Nattering Nathans of Negativism:
> I know a lot of folks, like myself, who would have voted Nader if the
> supporters were not attacking other progressives and if Nader had not
> campaigned in the swing states the week before the election. . . .

Hah??? Please remind me on which day, or during which hour, you said you would vote for Nader. All I remember is you oscillating between Gore and David McReynolds.

> . . . There was a large panel today with students discussing the election.
> were overwhelmingly liberal students, most of whom would normally love
> Nader. But when Nader's name was mentioned in the introduction,
> hissing broke out from around the room.

The students to watch are the ones going to Nader rallies. The slower ones, such as you describe, will be following them.


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