Interactive Election Adventure

kelley kwalker2 at
Sun Nov 12 09:12:39 PST 2000

At 08:45 AM 11/12/00 -0800, Doug Keachie wrote:

>If anyone had thought it through, and had decided to spend the extra money,
>then the cards would be at least twice their current size. My mom, at age
>90, would have been completely at a loss to handle the current ballot
>handled on the traditional "DO NOT fold spindle or multilate" cards, but my
>brother was there to help her.

hey keachie, i missed ya!

the worst part of the deal was slipping the card into the machine.

but, of course, keachie, this all means that your mother ought to go the way of the dinosaurs b/c some people think a reasonable proxy for political intelligence is whether they can work the card/machine. this is ludicrous. being able to pull levers or or stick a card in a machine and try to see whether the hole is lined up properly is hardly an adequate measure of whether these folks understand politics, the candidates positions.

i'm all in favor of making it difficult to drive if you can't see b/c driving depends on being able to see! but political intelligence doesn't depend on being able to see or on being technologically saavy or whathaveyou.

i don't think that the should be revote just for these folks, not at all. but i think people who have made these judgments are pretty shitty human beings who are easily swayed by press spin. and *that's* the bigger tragedy.


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