economic stats (as if people mattered) gun control

John Thornton jthorn16 at
Mon Nov 13 03:09:13 PST 2000

> >Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
> >
> >>You are probably right, and for this reason I think that leftists
> >>should lay off on gun control at the very least.
> >
> >I think that liberals get exercised by gun control for reasons not
> >dissimilar to their obsession with the Supreme Court: they're scared
> >of the masses.
> You need to cut down on your daily dosage of Cockburn. Liberals are
> exercised by gun control becasue they don't like watching people get
> shot.
> Brad DeLong

I have a serious question that might not sound so on the face of it. Do these liberals who "don't like watching people get shot" stay away from T.V. and movies that portray this kind of violence? John Thornton

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