From the national ARC office: --------------------------------------------
Mr. Rush Limbaugh 2 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10121
Dear Mr. Limbaugh:
The Arc of the United States, a national organization advocating on behalf of people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities and their families, is outraged at the alleged comments you made on your syndicated radio program yesterday that thoroughly denigrate people with mental retardation.
While we have not been able to get a transcript from the program, we have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the many calls we've been getting quoting your offensive statements. The Arc made every effort today to confirm your comments. Unfortunately, when The Arc Communications Director contacted your assistant -- introduced himself and explained why he was calling -- she immediately hung up on him.
Listeners report that you first referred to labor unions taking a "van load of retards" to register to vote and then said that Vice President Gore had "locked up the retard vote."
People with mental retardation do vote and should be encouraged to do so. People with mental retardation can and do make informed decisions. Groups like The Arc and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities have gone a long way to obtain the views of the candidates so that people with mental retardation can make their own decisions. Demeaning this voting constituency is outrageous. The Arc demands an immediate on-air apology and commitment to refrain from use of derogatory language when referring to people with mental retardation and other disabilities.
Karen Staley President The Arc of the United States