renouncing whiteness

Christopher B. Hajib-Niles cniles at
Sun Nov 26 23:53:44 PST 2000

>Messsage du 26/11/2000 20:15
>De : <lbo-talk at>
>A : <lbo-talk at>
>Copie à :
>Objet : Re: renouncing whiteness

> Renouncing sin is very different from feeling guilty about
> it. The second might be a step toward the first, or it might
> just be pissing in bed.


The purpose of a profession of guilt
> is often precisely to avoid doing anything substantial about
> the issue in question.


I think the way one would get White people to renounce
> Whiteness would be show them that there was something better
> than Whiteness. The only way I can think of doing this is
> to go to the underlying class war, which I think resonates
> and drives the construction of Whiteness.

i don't think you mean that we can avoid racial discussions and go straight to 'class' but that there is a need to show the destructive link between whiteness and capitalism in order to develop new solidarities, yes? or no?

Some less fundamental
> remedies are objectively possible, I suppose, but there don't
> seem to be enough White people interested in them to get
> anything done;


and in any case the energy of the class war
> will simply produce other social pathologies.

well, let's hope they are not anywhere near as disabling as race and whiteism!

chris niles the new abolitionist

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