The quantum theory of the election

m malak mmalako at
Wed Nov 29 10:21:27 PST 2000

uman sysondon
>I think that is right. It is very difficult for radicals to get out of the
>rut that we are in, because the two or two and a half party system is
>fundamentally very stable. Even when it is going through a perturbation
>with a closely fought election, that is paradoxically just when you can see
>all the factors moving in to stabilise the overall effect of the system.
>This is not opposed to the quantum, Heisenberg uncertainty, of the fine
>grained phenomena - it actually arises out of it.
>So why are such bimodal systems relatively stable? - with broadly
>determinate results even though the fine details are indeterminate?

>One answer is that if they were not somehow self-perpetuating they would
>not last and they would not exist for us to analyse them or moan about
>them. There would just be chaotic noise. A tautology.

actually thewre are some who argue that the stable states in a quantum system merely arise by 'superposition' of many states, so that what we see is just 'most probable'. and this is dependent on how we sample the data.

so, you can prove anything----in a way.

another idea would be Thom's catstrophe theory in a platonic universe----bimodal systems are the next most common mathemtical form of a given type, so we see them the most. then, one can go through the rest of the other kinds of patterns Thom promotes (6 more) and iterate into less common patterns.

traditional dialectical approaches to analysing reality.
>Hume's paradox I don't recognise. Any further details?

I am David Hume, and wrote a book---or maybe I'm not, but there is a David hume who chomsky cites as having a paradox of 'why the many let the few govern them'. (deterring democracy).

if you believe in j wheeler/r feynman retarded potential theory then the future constructs the past, so then this allows one in a way possibly to claim you are anyone in the past, etc. (see hew Price's book for example, for this 'joke' or 'fairy tale' as chomsky calls the myths that aren't his own >
>Chris Burford

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