Katherine Harris: 'The Rumor'?

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Thu Nov 30 18:35:54 PST 2000

>>And the rumor is: that Jeb Bush had an affair with Katherine Harris.
>>Probably too good to be true. But those media inwits say the Florida
>>papers are scrambling . . .

Yesterday I was chatting with my mother about the election fun and she asked, "Peter, do you know who Katherine Harris is?" I said I did. "She's a good friend of Jennifer and Larry [last name witheld]'s. They spend six months of the year in Florida." Jennifer is one of ma's old friends who had divorced and married up, way up. I mentioned how Harris had taken a lot of abuse and my mother hinted darkly that it would only get worse. Much worse. I forget how she put it exactly.


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