Re-delete it (Re: Reinsert (was Re: snip (was: Nut Casey))

kelley kwalker2 at
Mon Oct 9 10:10:07 PDT 2000

charles wrote:

<d.j.> but FIRST! a musical interlude brought to you by Kproductions, one member anywayz. Kproductions: they're professionals so don't try their act at home.

i don't want to give you the time that you give me i don't want to go to a be-in with you put me in a box and cut into my psyche you will find i'm done before starting with you

i know that daddy's reached his prime now it's cradle robbing crime but i'm too old for whine just get it over with

i don't want to give you the time that you give me i don't want to go to the islands with you put me in a box and make love to my skeleton we can snuff my soul and smoke after we're through


yes, folks that was imperial teen, former faith no more keyboardist's roddy bottom's new venture. that was n old one, blaming the baby, off their "imperial teen" cd released a few years. </d.j.>

>CB: Wasn't you studyin some WWI spy recently ?

no. i heard the name referenced in a thread on a list elsewhere by an avowed conspiracy theorist of the right. (he thinks i'm fronting for an org abt to take over the world through commie revo and that i try to seduce con and libertarian men to the left cause. ha ha ha)

studying history and reliving it are two diff. things in any case. everyone in this convo is labeling everyone else on the basis of keywords, assumptions and Great Expectations (stereotypes)

how refreshing. as zizek might say: "i've got a can of shit, can you open it? i always make my bed, please pick on her instead." OR enjoy your symptom. if it looks like b.s. and smells like b.s., make no mistake, it is b.s."


cop a feel for all your sins don't get too excited suck down ritalin fake an interest seven inch penny for your soul and it's not worth it

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