Modern John Brown: Herbert Aptheker

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Wed Oct 11 09:01:16 PDT 2000

Heh, got y'all going! add to Justin's recommendations. The Radosh books from the mid-70's on right-wing critics of the Cold War like Lawrence Dennis (cf. the latest issue of The Baffler for a great piece on Dennis. Anyone here ever read his, "The Coming American Fascism, " from the 30's?) and his edited collection of articles on Cuba, mostly responses from his travel report published in the anarcho-pacifist magazine, Liberation, are both well worth looking up. As is his edited collection, "Towards A New Leviathan, " with pieces from Studies On The Left (like the classic Martin J. Sklar one on Corporate Liberalism [ "The United States as a Developing Country: Studies in U.S. History in the Progressive Era and the 1920s, " by Martin J. Sklar. "The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1890-1916: The Market, the Law, and Politics, " by Martin J. Sklar. "Capitalism and Socialism in the Emergence of Modern America: The Formative Era, 1890-1916, " piece in, "Reconstructing History: The Emergence of a New Historical Society, " Elizabeth Fox-Genovese (Editor) Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn (Editor)

and some libertarian ones from Murray Rothbard- [in the New Leviathan collection. M.P.)

Anyway, in response to Charles and Yoshie and Mike Yates, as I said on dsanet, in response to comments there, Herbert, who I met once in a G.William Domhoff class, like almost every Communist I've ever met, is a nice fellow (unlike most Trots, who I have far more in common with ideologically). But, as for his staying power? Pioneering is one thing but I'd have to agree narrowly, with Radosh'es polemic, that his work evinces a desire to advance political positions to the detriment of careful consideration of opposing views. For a longish look at these questions see the book by ex-Schactmanite, Peter Novick, "This Noble Dream."

Michael Pugliese P.S. Still need someone who gets the digest of lbo-talk to send me digests # 3453, 3452, 3451 and 3450.

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