Paean to Robert Fisk

Rob Schaap rws at
Sun Oct 15 11:29:55 PDT 2000

Thanks for these Fiskisms, Doug!

I've a bit of the institutionalist about me, and try to be very understanding when journalists feed me twaddle with the paw marks of the spinmeisters all over it. "It's not their fault," I tell myself, "if they don't play the game, they don't get access, and anyway, so often, 'official sources' are the only ones going."

But I shouldn't be so kind, eh?

Robert Fisk never ceases to prove that a journalist can indeed do what a journalist is there to do. He's about the only person to come out of the Kosovo business with inegrity intact, and years in perhaps the most fraught and challenging theatre of all haven't left a mark on him. Honest, clear, incorruptible, unbullshittable, and capable of nuanced assessments at a moment's notice.

Simply the best.

Cheers, Rob.

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