guns & purses (was Re: guns & crime)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Mon Oct 16 19:27:59 PDT 2000

Jordan wrote:

>I'm not sure that "more guns" in Lott's thesis means "higher
>ownership" -- but rather, "more guns in places where crimes occur"
>... he says specifically that even with liberal CCW laws, very few
>people will take the time to get one (I think in Florida they are
>seeing 2-4% of the eligible population) and even fewer will take
>the time to carry. It's a pain: you have to carry around a big
>piece of steel on your hip. You have to make sure that no one sees
>you carrying it (it's usually grounds for losing your permit if a
>Concerned Citizen sees you carrying and calls the cops, worried
>that you're a Bad Guy), which means that on a hot day you're the
>one wearing a windbreaker. Women (like Dianne Feinstein, Gun
>Control Champion that she is) can of course keep them in a pocketbook
>or something.
>Everyone I know who carries complains about it, which I guess is
>about as good as you could hope for.

Why, it's time for gun-loving men to start carrying a purse.


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