guns & purses (was Re: guns & crime)

Tue Oct 17 08:16:29 PDT 2000

Oh, James, James. Do you too buy into the silly idea that my right to buy a .357 or even an AR-14 protects me against tyranny, that the Michigan Militia would stand a chance against the 101st Airborne if it came to that? --jks

In a message dated Tue, 17 Oct 2000 9:41:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, James Heartfield <Jim at> writes:

<< >
>``Why, it's time for gun-loving men to start carrying a purse.''

Now this is a case for Freudian analysis. Stand and deliver!

In his book Militarism and Anti-Militarism, Karl Liebknicht made the case for the legalisation of firearms as a democratic demand. If the people are armed then the state has lost its monopoly on the means of force.

I guess the American example shows that the ideological grip of the powers-that-be over the masses means that the literal monopoly of force can be relaxed without jeopardising state power.

All the same, I find it hard to believe that you could argue for a disarming of the populace without reinforcing their dependence upon the state. -- James Heartfield


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