guns & purses (was Re: guns & crime)

Jordan Hayes jmhayes at
Wed Oct 18 08:31:36 PDT 2000

> And from a legal professional's point of view, the 2d A doesn't
> guarantee a private citizen's right to bear arms outside the
> context of the National Guard. --jks

Surely then you must know that this opinion of yours is controversial to say the least. I'd say that if you're a legal professional and you believe this to be true that you aren't reading enough journals.

I believe it's presently, from a legal perspective, unanaswered whether the 2nd is an individual or state right. Incredible as it may seem, it's possible that "the people" means something different in the 2nd than it does in the 1st and the 4th.

And besides: the Bill of Rights doesn't "guarantee" anything: it merely recognizes the rights listed.


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