internet vs. water

John Kawakami johnk at
Fri Oct 20 00:16:03 PDT 2000

I was considering what I would I have been doing had I not become a sysadmin/programmer, and it dawned on me that I might have become a plumber. Plumbing, for me, is almost as much fun as running a network, and would be almost as lucrative. It's a decent enough job, and the hours are better. Then, I had to wonder:

Why is it that DSL is $40 a month, and modem access is around $20 a month, while water is around $10?

Water, a public monopoly, should be more subject to corruption and graft, while net access, being relatively less regulated, should be less so, and should be cheaper due to extreme competition. At least that should be the case if all these "free market" pundits are right.

Yet, the net has never been cheaper than water, which is more vital to life, and is more difficult to deliver to the customer.

Can anyone explain why this is so?


-------------------------------------- John Kawakami johnk at, johnk at

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