Obviously (what's the Left problem with GM food?)

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Fri Oct 20 08:27:35 PDT 2000

brettk at unicacorp.com wrote:

>Personally I am not against genetic modification per se, but my impression
>is that companies like Monsanto are simply forging ahead because they see
>dollar signs without giving the public a chance to weigh in on the
>potential risks and benefits. I guess that means we really need to
>eliminate capitalism, but since that is unlikely, it seems reasonable for
>the public to oppose GM crops until it is satisfied that they are safe.

Why? Wouldn't it be better agitprop to say that Monsanto is appropriating this technology, much of it developed with public funds, for its own profit and indifferent to the risks it poses, and that it should be taken out of their hands and be put to better, safer use?


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