
Mikalac Norman S NSSC MikalacNS at NAVSEA.NAVY.MIL
Tue Oct 24 08:28:29 PDT 2000

i've haven't been subscribed to a list yet where people didn't get the crap flamed out of them. flamage is a necessary part of social life to some extent.

----------------------------------- there are plenty of cyberspace lists devoted to social issues where the use of insults and foul language are absolutely forbidden.

the list decorum rests exclusively on its moderator's preferences. he/she is the final authority on who can say what. if this a permissive list where just about anything said is tolerated, then it's because the moderator likes it that way.

personally, i find that lister monopolization and invective intimidate listers who otherwise might learn about the more edifying ideas presented on the list. also, these unfortunate subs might present interesting and valuable posts. lacking the courage to "suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" or "take arms against a sea of troubles", unheard and unheeded, they eventually quit the list.

also, i find that most posters seem to be more interested in playing "king of the intellectual mountain" rather than seeking to learn from others and educate them as well.

however, like i said, it's the moderator who calls the shots.


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