>>> cramer at unix01.voicenet.com 10/24/00 09:55AM >>>
Let me try and draw a picture.....
Why shouldn't the US publicly criticise Isreal for killing Palestinians? "Well, the Isrealis are our allies and the Palestinians are a bunch of crazy terrorists" [sheeple].
"I'm not worried about those laws being passed because you only have to worry about it if you are a criminal, and I'm not" [sheeple]
"Unemployed people are just lazy and deserve to starve" [sheeple]
"Outlawing guns will prevent crime" [sheeple]
"Marijuana is bad for you but alcohol is not" [sheeple]
"The public sschools have my child's best interests in mind" [sheeple]
Every single one of those statements is an example of knee-jerk responses to complex situations and illustrates a possibly unconscious ignorance to that complexity.
CB: Here's another sheeple statement:
"Please bear with me for a moment. Complete abolishment of private property? That is desireable?
My problem here is that in a world of limited resources, you CAN'T completely abolish private property. Until we reach a point of technological advance where we have unlimited energy and resources, there are always going to be people who, through luck or force, control those resources." (SHEEPLE !)