Charles Brown CharlesB at
Tue Oct 24 10:56:49 PDT 2000

>>> dhenwood at 10/24/00 11:51AM >>>
Financial Times - October 24, 2000

Dotcom executives 'more likely to have dark pasts' By Caroline Daniel in London

Internet executives are four times more likely to have "unsavoury backgrounds" than executives from other industries, according to an investigation by Kroll Associates, the corporate security company.

The research findings are likely to add to concerns about the dotcom sector which has been hit by doubts about its viability.

It also underlines how far the rapid pace of internet investing - which has eroded traditional business practices, such as background checks on employees and close financial scrutiny - have helped create an amenable climate for potential fraudsters.


CB: That should be "light pasts". The true gangsters are in the white market, not the black market.

Remember. _The Godfather_ is not about a fringe group process, but is an origin myth of the typical process of primitive capitalist accumulation.

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