Guns yet again (was Re: LBO = flame city? (was RE: Survivor!)

kelley kwalker2 at
Fri Oct 27 16:17:02 PDT 2000

> I care about mindset. *You* don't address the issue: Why
> the urgent need for guns?

baloney. i've addressed the issue a number of times here, carl. there is no urgent need.

a couple of the other first 10A are associated with death and tragedy too.

freedom of speech>>hate speech>>death freedom of religion>>a multiplicity of religious groups vying for a right to define politics rather than a state sponsored religious based politics so less controversy>>bombed abortion clinics and murdered abortionists. freedom of assembly>>militias>>bombing the OK fed building

your logic at work.

since wojtek so glibly tosses about stereotypes about gun enthusiasts, let me have fun too. it has long been my estimation that people who are afraid of guns and up in aahhhh arms about them are actually people who, as rob admitted once, were weirdly attracted to them, mesmerized by them.

so, get a grip on something other than my/your glock


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