I am always glad to excite my sweetie kelly by talking analytical philosophy, like John Cleese did talking Russian in A Fish Named Wanda. We APs are sooo rigorous. XXX --jks
In a message dated Wed, 6 Sep 2000 3:08:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, kelley <kwalker2 at gte.net> writes:
<< At 02:43 PM 9/6/00 -0400, JKSCHW at aol.com wrote:
>Empirical facts are those known through experience, as opposed to a priori
>facts like 2+2=4, known in some other way. There may also be a contrast
>with a theoretical fact, a fact derived from the structure of a theory. If
>that is a valid contrast, the constant velocity of c is a theoretical
>rather than a merely empirical fact. --jks
oooooo oooooo, i never did get me enough of analytical phil. continental kinda gal myself. did dally a bit with the heterodox blasphemers who thought they could do both. but ahem...well.... as my american systematic metaphyiscs prof told me, the analytical phil folks think that both us and continental phil are uhhhhhh not really especially rigorous.
so, can you give me a better example of this distinction. what exactly is a theoretical fact? if it can be observed/known through experience then it is something that we know is because a theory tells us so? is that it?