WWI Brit spy

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Wed Sep 6 22:49:50 PDT 2000

kelley wrote:

> Anyone know anything about Col. House. US national sec advisor under
> Wilson, said to be a spy, etc.

One of the earliest books by Christopher Lasch, "The New Radicalism in America, 1889-1963: The Intellectual as a Social Type, " has a chapter on House and Lippmann, if memory serves. Introduced me to Randolph Bourne, who despite more than a few books devoted to him, like the Casey Blake volume (and maybe the new Christine Stansill?) still is an underappreciated figure. Only person who ever bested John Dewey on a matter of any importance.

Michael Pugliese

P.S. Haven't forgot trying to get some conspiracy theory cites on Quigley.

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