IP + personal matters

Michael Hoover hoov at freenet.tlh.fl.us
Sat Sep 9 04:18:53 PDT 2000

> A recent article that I used in my new book says that a very small
> fraction of musicians get any royalties at all. It is a winner take all
> world.
> Michael Perelman

What Michael Parenti writes - "Wages is to workers as royalties is to writers" - holds true for musicians (with very very few exceptions in both cases). Parenti, "Dividends Are Not Royalties," _Dirty Truths_

And what Jon King (Gang of Four) told me some years ago, "the vast majority of musicians don't actually get paid, they in fact have day jobs" holds true for vast majority of writers. Quoted in Michael Hoover and Lisa Stokes, "Pop Music and the Limits of Cultural Critique: Gang of Four Shrinkwraps Entertainment," _Popular Music & Society_, 22.3, 1998

Michael Hoover (whose "payment" for above article was sharing 10-15 off-prints of article with co-author and who maintained day jobs during years of toiling in small clubs and honky tonks as member of Orblando agit-pop bands The Stereos, New Suburbans, Smashing Atoms - with stints in country-rock outfits Redbug Road and Wide Open Spaces along the way)

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