>CB: Wait 'til they find out that Lenin is right as rain , too.
The Lenin of "On Cooperation"?
Are we also all accepting Peter Hudis's attribution of the following to Marx?
> Marx opposed centralized state control of the economy
>(he called those who advocated it "crude and unthinking communists")
Is this a reference to the Third Economic and Philosophical Manuscript? -
>> communism [that is, crude or utopian communism, like Proudhon et al above] is the positive expression of the abolition of private property, and, at first, appears as universal private property ...
One might say that this idea of a community of women is the revealed secret of this as yet wholly crude and unthinking communism ..
(For crude communism) the community is simply a community of labor and equality of wages, which are paid out by the communal capital, the community as universal capitalist. Both sides of the relation are raised to an unimaginary universality -- labor as the condition in which everyone is placed and capital as the acknowledged universality and power of the community.<<<
Chris Burford