Query on Word History, was Re: The Moral Life of Geeks

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Wed Sep 13 10:04:01 PDT 2000

omigod! you're on a roll today. keep 'em coming. i'm sending this on to my boss. he'll love it. maybe i'll use it in security newsletters next month! heh. i write one for an information tech department, but gotta fly it past lawyers first. hmmmmmm


a good laugh.

kelley, good thing i refreshed my supply of depends john!

>Geek only refers to helpdesk people, windows sysadmins, and the people who
>come to your cubicle to install Office upgrades.
>Unix admins prefer to be called wizards. Skilled expert programmers like
>to be called gurus.
>Programmers, after some time, start calling themselves "coders" to express
>their sense of alienation from the product of their labor.
>"Software engineers" call themselves "programmers", especially in the
>presence of civil engineers, whose jobs seem more macho.
>MCSEs call themselves "admins" or "MCSEs", but that's only to fight that
>nagging sense that the unix wizards are chuckling at them and writing mean
>posts to alt.sysadmin.recovery.
>There are an elite class of technical managers that call themselves
>"geeks" to sound "cool", and to hide the fact that their employees call
>them the "fuckin clueless VP/CTO".
>John Kawakami
>johnk at cyberjava.com, johnk at firstlook.com

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