Women Gladiators - new evidence discovered

Rob Schaap rws at comedu.canberra.edu.au
Thu Sep 14 21:31:57 PDT 2000

There was a whopper of an earthquake in the Med around 1450 BC, which submersed an island called Thera and probably did for Minoan Crete, too. Early speculators about fabled Atlantis thought Thera might have been their mark, but not so.

Cheers, Rob.

>Anita Mage wrote:
>> If you are thinking of the *Greek* Dark ages and the mysterious downfall of
>> the palace culture, that's about 2 millennia before.
>Anita, has there been any recent scholarship on this? We have the linear A
>and linear B tablets because they were preserved by fires that destroyed
>the palaces. And if I recall correctly, none of the tablets shows any
>of coming catastrophe. Is there anything more definite?

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