radman, nurev at CTRL needs to update that list of CFR members in the "labor lieutenants of capital" list. By my memory the following on that list have been dead or retired for more than a few years. I.W. Abel, Sol Chaiken, Vic Gotbaum, Lane Kirkland, Jerry Wurf and Al Shanker. Favorite Shanker quote, from David Moberg story in In These Times during the Contra-Aid years, "If I was a Nicaraguan, I'd be a Contra!" Said during an AFL-CIO convention debate over a resolution challenging the AIFLD/SDUSA line.
BTW, the ex-Maoist neo-con, Robert Leiken, has a book coming out soon on the Sandanistas and the US intelligentsia. Watch Paul Berman, Ron Radosh, Cockburn and Chomsky and Horowitz tear into each again.
Michael Pugliese