Gore Vidal on the US election

Max Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Wed Sep 20 12:08:05 PDT 2000

If he means outlays for all defense, as opposed to procurement, and if he means as a share of discretionary, rather than of "the budget" (his words), then he's in the right ballpark. But for a guy who is so sharp w/words, his fuzziness is fair game.


I think Vidal means the discretionary budget.


Max Sawicky wrote:

> [From today's Salon. Full text at
> http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2000/09/20/vidal/print.html]
> "The great scandal today is we're still a militarized economy, 51 percent
> the budget goes for the Pentagon for procurement . . .
> >>>>>>>>>>
> Actually it's less than three percent, but
> let's not quibble. If he means all defense
> spending, it's 16 percent. I like Gore Vidal,
> even if he can't count.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> ", and there is no enemy; and
> they're asking for another $60 billion over the next decade. . . . "
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> I would be overjoyed to learn that $60 billion was
> the most DoD got over its present budget over the
> next ten years.
> By contrast, the projected surplus over the same
> mbs

-- Marta Russell author, Los Angeles, CA http://disweb.org/ Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract http://www.commoncouragepress.com/russell_ramps.html

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