> I believe this was considered the dawn of the Dark Ages. Really Ken.
And still, when one writes theology, one can't just write anything and be considered legit. If the very idea of theology has any meaning at all - it must be considered "the science of God." The best thing about this: this is the worse thing that could happen to theology. And still, any theologian of merit ought to reject all forms of hermeneutics or interpretive scholasticism as non-scientific nonsense. Weber, Popper, Gellner... these should be the heroes of theology.
And... if science is limited to rigorous empirical methodology... much of what we now call science would have to be cast to the flames.
And I believe paganism was finally outlawed by Rome in 407. Although I might be wrong.
I recall that you said hit 'em where it hurts, regardless of the truth. Why not call theology a science then? - and adhere, as a critique, to the strictest positivism out of sheer determination.