
Lisa & Ian Murray seamus at
Wed Sep 27 14:20:51 PDT 2000

Subject: RE: stunned

My World Bank source says the folks in DC are "stunned" by the

cancellation of the rest of the meeting. This is utterly amazing




Now if we can just ramp up our arguments to send them further

into paradigm


Ian ============= Only a few layers of a very thick skin have been peeled away in the last 10 months; nonetheless some celebration is in order as well as a need to get smart at an even faster pace. Capital is pissed and will bite back....

"...there is now unfolding a struggle over the direction of the combined technoscientific intelligence of society - what Marx called 'the general intellect.' At stake is whether this collective intelligence will be harnessed to by capital to perpetuate its regime of work, or escape to explore and realize other potentialities. For those opposed to capital, an immediate priority is to halt the social and environmental destruction wrought by the pathological profit-driven deployment of machines..." [Nick Dyer-Witheford in "Cutting Edge" -Verso]


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