Spreading rumors

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Thu Sep 28 07:29:01 PDT 2000


yo whaddup chip?

>People who spread rumors ARE silly children.

they are people who spread rumors.

>What does this make the people who discuss silly rumors?
>I have now gotten over fifty of these stupid Cheney rumors sent to me on
>lists and by individual e-mail.

that's your job innit? i'm on a list that would love such a rumor. why didn't it pass there. hmm. curious. i did pass it along to someone who thinks i'm fronting for some organization that is out to destroy him and the world. ya want me to pass along what he wrote back re the october suprise that will put hillary in the white house? :)

>Discussing it as a sociological concept is
>one thing, but on LBO?

why not?

>Off to Christian Coalition meeting where I will listen to and discuss silly

see, it's your job!!

i was just offended because i think you needn't have *treated* us like silly children. you may think we are, as i might think sn-wording over titties in sports illustrated is silly boy stuff and i'd prefer they wax sociological about titties--it's good for 'em. but my treating them like silly children only raises their ire and doesn't help my cause.


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