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<br>The Bob Taft, Republican Party
<br>Fundraising Scandal Continues...
<p>Bob Taft and the Republican Party continue to
<br>stonewall on disclosing names from their secret
<br>slush fund, stating that they won't report anything
<br>the law doesn't force them to. To date, over $2.7
<br>million has been deposited to this secret account.
<p>"Bob Taft's acceptance of $2,688 worth of Buckeye
<br>football tickets - some of which he offered to
<br>$50,000 contributors to the Ohio Republican Party -
<br>might have violated state ethics laws regulating gifts."
<br>Columbus Dispatch, 4/27/00
<p>"[Ohio Elections Commission] executive director,
<br>David Freel, indicated that Taft may have violated
<br>ethics laws… public officials or employees are banned
<br>from accepting gifts that could cause improper influence,
<br>nor can they accept valuable goods from those they regulate.
<br>The Plain Dealer, 4/28/00
<p>"In the embarrassment at hand, the Republican Party -
<br>the ruling party - has been caught explicitly offering -
<br>in a fundraising brochure - 'access to GOP officeholders
<br>and candidates' in return for contributions of $25,000
<br>that would not be made public."
<br>Dayton Daily News, 4/26/00
<p>The Ohio Democratic Party today filed a complaint with the
<br>Ohio Ethics Commission against Bob Taft. Ohio Democratic
<br>Party Chair David J. Leland stated in a cover letter to the
<br>complaint: "Our public officials, regardless of their intent,
<br>must uphold the trust our citizens have granted them by
<br>maintaining the highest ethical standards that avoid
<br>impropriety or even the appearance of impropriety."
<p>Leland also encouraged the Ethics Commission to use their
<br>power and authority to uncover any potential ethics
<br>violations involving the Republican secret operating fund.
<p>The Team Ohio Motto:
<br><b>"With a $25,000 contribution to the</b>
<br><b>Ohio Republican Party, all things are possible!"</b>
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