European protectionism

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Mon Apr 2 10:34:01 PDT 2001

James Heartfield wrote:

>All of your critical capacity seems to have gone. If the US treasury put
>out a statement saying that 'there is strong evidence for a causal
>association between full employment and inflation' you would be
>objecting straight away. If the statement went on to say that 'the
>absence of inflation in areas of high unemployment supports this causal
>association' you would be spitting feathers. But somehow, at a time when
>the US is lobbying for farm produce to be included under Gatt, you think
>that a report warning that beef from Europe will send you mad is
>entirely disinterested.

I don't see how the U.S. government has any material or ideological interest in stoking fear of beef-eating, regardless of its origin. News that eating a burger carries some risk, however small, of developing a terrifying and fatal brain disease could cause serious injury to large U.S. industrial interests - interests, I might add, that are close to the Republican party, especially the Texas Republican party.

Is the Journal of the American Medical Association part of the conspiracy? <>: "In the United Kingdom, new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease probably resulted from the ingestion of BSE-contaminated processed beef."


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