The coming Glorious Revolution

Kelley Walker kelley at
Wed Apr 4 06:44:34 PDT 2001

At 09:22 AM 4/4/01 -0400, christian11 at wrote:
> >But your orignal statement "no postmodernists = no postmodernism" seems
> to denegrate the actuality of postmodern ideas and relegate them to just
> bad theory. This is not helpful.
>What is the "actuality of postmodern ideas"? For whom are they actual?
> >The specific political problem that creates the need called the
> postmodern is the failure of the left and the incapacity of the
> generation of intellectuals from 60s 70s , now in positions of socal
> responsiblity, to honestly account for it.
>So those who can't understand the recent history of capitalist metropoles
>invent pomo theory? It makes the whole enterprise sound a bit
>narcissistic--like a great theoretical ediface has been invented to salve
>some psychic wound. In those conditions, why would anyone expect such
>theory to be good or useful?

nicos mouzelis. if i had time, i'd give you a synopsis. but, basically, i got the impression that Erik was getting at the inability of postmodernist social and philosophical theory to theorize society/the social because, essentially (heh), it has given up any possibility of even conceiving of a social/society that can even be theorized.


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