.fr/poemes/France/rimbaud/39.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3DL%2527orgie%2Bparisienn e%2Bou%2BParis%2Bse%2Brepeuple%2522%2B%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3 DG icles/successfulrecruiter/&prev=/search%3Fq%3DQu%2527est-ce%2Bpour%2Bnous,%2 Bmon%2Bc%25A6ur...%2522%2B%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG
>>>>>>>>this for the third poem! Heh!
Oops, if you pit it in as, "QU'EST-CE POUR NOUS, MON CUR ..." Not,
"Qu'est-ce pour nous, mon c¦ur..." at
you get the right results. Guess that c¦ur, blurred it up. My faith in
technology restored. I'll burn that Essay on Technology by Heiddeger now.
Need the heat being that I'm a Californian.
The best translations of Rimbaud, in my book, are the Paul Schmidt ones
published in the mid-70's from Harper & Row.
Michael Pugliese
_Rimbaud_ by
Graham Robb. Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc.
Pub. Date: September 2000
>From Times Literary Supplement
Graham Robb's biography is the fullest yet in English. He incorporates the
most significant recent developments in French Rimbaud scholarship,
particularly in relation to the status of letters once held to be, or now
exposed as, forgeries, and skilfully separates ascertainable fact form the
beckoning shadows of legend. The book is fluently written, well paced, and
excellent on cultural and historical contexts.
Fabric of a recruiter by Scale Heritage and Suzanne Davidson
(the text which follows is the first of a series of articles which tries, initially, to define essential qualities of a good recruiter, then to provide information as well as tracks on several aspects being able to allow the recruiters to be even more effective.)
What a good recruiter?
The simplest definition of a good recruiter is a person " who succeeds in achieving the goals laid down by her company like her personal goals ". The best way of carrying out a good work as regards recruitment is to have the art of the sale or, more precisely, to know " to recruit while satisfying the candidate ". The challenge consists in determining and to provide the needs of the applicant all while making sure that those of the company which engages are also filled.
In the past, to sell meant to repeat with which wanted to hear it at which point your products and your services were formidable, by hoping that somebody would end up buying them that it needs some or not. Today, to sell in the code of practice, it is necessary to determine the needs for the person or the company with which you make deal, then to explain in what your product or your services could satisfy these needs.
Then, that the professional recruiters of today have to sell? Firstly, themselves. Indeed, they must make feel with the applicants whom their interests hold to them with c¦ur...