You're on to something there, Gary. It's been said that America is a rich country not because it has a lot of MBAs but that America has a lot of MBAs because it is a rich country. There is great symmetry between the delusions of the business world and the delusions of the academic left. The former engages in furious make-work pretending to create economic value -- as in the mania -- while the latter engages in furious make-work pretending to create "transgressive" insights. Both camps harbor a smug certitude that they possess secret knowledge that elevates them from the common run of humanity.
It's a complete folie a deux. The only agency in this society that really delivers hard value is the Pentagon, whose muscle allows us to plunder, one way or another, the rest of the world -- so providing the wherewithal to keep the denizens of business and academia fat, sassy and happy in their playacting.
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