Doug's points

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Fri Apr 6 21:48:08 PDT 2001

Justin writes:

>Jim's version misses something important and desirable that Marsx's
>version of the Prometheanism locates: the socialization of
>consumption as well as production.
>Marx, whatever his (to my thinking) naive optimism about overcoming
>all limits, at least was keenly aware that socialization would
>change patterns of consumption.

With an emancipatory potential for women, as Marx & Engels understood.

At 4:16 AM +0000 4/7/01, Justin Schwartz wrote:
>Jim H's is onto something here: there a sort of productivist
>Prometheanism in classical Marxism that is tied to the idea of
>transcending justice by overcoming scarcity. It's not the only
>current, as recent work on Marxism and ecology by Benton and others
>had brought out. It's a current I reject: I think scarcity is

Could you tell us why you think scarcity is inescapable?


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